Posted on 06.04.2023
April : Participation in the artist trail in Jette from 19 to 21Mai : Exposition in Sint Pieters Leeuw in the Coloma garden with Amaryllis from 17 to 20
June : Group exhibition with l'A.K.A in the house Stepman in Koekelberg at 7- 8 - 9
August : Exposition in Bousval Salle Gossiaux for the festival of St Barthelemy from 20 to 25
September : Exposition in Herne in teh Gallery Art Valley from 14 to 29
October : Exposition in Perk in the CC De Camme on 19-20-26-27
November : Exposition with l’AKA in the huis Stepman in Koekelberg at 22-23-24
November : Exposition in the castle Jourdain in Kraainem from 15 to 24
April : Group exhibition with l'A.K.A in the house Stepman in KoekelbergMai : Participation in the artist trail Likart in Liedekerke
June : Exposition in the Gallery Nobody & Friends in Antwerp
July : Exposition in the House of Arts in Lissewege
September : Exhibition with two in the house Stepman in Koekelberg
October : Group exhibition in GC De Camme in Perk
December : Exhibition in Huis Ter Beurze in Brugge
Gallery Sabine Van Paemel at Leke – DiksmuideParticipation in the artist trail in Jette
Group exhibition with l'A.K.A in the house Stepman in Koekelberg
Exhibition in the Cultural Center Gerard Walschap in Londerzeel
September : invited by the CC in Strombeek
October : exhibition in the abbey of Dielegem in Jette
November : group exhibition Art Friends in Perk
November : group exhibition in the castle Jourdain in Kraainem
Group exhibition with A.K.A in the house Stepman in KoekelbergGroup exhibition with M.A.E in the community center in Everee
Group exhibition with M.A.E in la Chapelle des Sépulcrine in Visé
All exhibitions of 2020 have been canceled due to covid.We will be back in September 2021.
Joint Exhibition in Castel Jourdain at KraainemJoint Exhibition at the Stepman House at Koekelberg
Exhibition at the Oude Pastorie in Kapelle op den Bos - Nieuwenrode
Exhibition at the Senior Plaza retirement home in Willebroek
Receive from the Embassy of the Republik of Suriname and the Order of the Netherlands and Hispanidad the Zilver Cross of Merit.

Becomes member of International Art Forum ( I.A.F )Joint Exhibition in Castel Jourdain at Kraainem
Joint Exhibition at the Stepman House at Koekelberg
Joint Exhibition E.A.M in City Hall at Nieuwport
Joint Exhibition with I.A.F in Castel Elzenhof at Aarschot
Participation to the Artist Course at Jette
Joint Exhibition with I.A.F on Coloma Castel at Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Joint exhibition with A.K.A in Stepman House in KoekelbergJoint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in Kraainem
Joint exhibition with E.A.M in City Hall in Evere
Joint ewhibition with S.I.A in Dielegem Abbey in Jette
Joint exhibition with A.K.A in Stepman House in Koekelberg
Selected on the RENE TROPHY - tribute to Magritte - in the Dielegem Abbey in Jette
Participation to the Artist Course in Liedekerke
Participation to the Artist Course in Jette
Joint exhibition with A.K.A in Stepman House in KoekelbergJoint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in Kraainem
Participation to the E.A.M. exhibition in Castle Karreveld in Molenbeek
Participation to the Artist Course in Jette
Solo exhibition in Woma Galery in Meise-Wolvertem
Participation to the Artist Course in JetteParticipation to the International Exhibition Show of Art in Dielegem Abbey in Jette
Participation to the Artist Course in Chimay
Joint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in Kraainem
Participation to the Artist Course in JetteParticipation to the E.A.M. exhibition in Brasschaat
Joint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in Kraainem
Participation to the A.K.A. exhibition in Koekelberg
Joint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in CrainhemParticipation to the Artist route in Chimay
Joint exhibition of the EAM in the Chapel of sépulcrines in Visé
Joint exhibition on Intermunicipal Art Exhibition in the Dielegem Abbey in Jette
Becomes member of the AKA ( Koekelberg Artistic Association )
Exhibition in the Cultural Center Gerard Walschap the Londerzeel
Joint exhibition in Castle Jourdain in CrainhemJoint exhibition of the EAM in La Panne
Becomes member of the EAM ( European Artistics Merits )
Exhibition in " La Fleur en Papier Doré " in Brussels
09/01-04/03 : Exhibition in the foyer of the Culture center De Lijsterbes in Kraainem
21-22/04 : Participation to the artists route in Jette
25-28/05 : Exhibition in the Saviocentre in Dilbeek
Joint Exhibition in Castle Jourdain in KraainemParticipation to the Artists Route in Kraainem
Joint exhibition in the Communal museum in Temse
'Architecture of a perfect World' in the Molenhuis in Temse
In November: joint exhibition in Kraainem and participation to the Artists Route in Chimay
Becomes member of the Art Circle of Kraainem
Exhibition 'Architecture of a perfect world' in the cultural center in Meise
Participation to the Artists Route in Jette
Joint exhibition 'Curator choses Art' in Meise
Participation to 'Art in the showroom' in MerchtemPermanently exposing in restaurant Ter Kouter in Ramsdonk
Participation to the Artists Route in Jette
Joint exhibition in CVO in Wolvertem
Joint exhibition in the administrative center in Buggenhout
Participation to 'Art in the showroom' in LonderzeelJoint exhibition in the cultural center van Meise
Exhibition 'Univers Terre et Architecture' in the Welcome and Information Centre in Nijvel
joint exhibition in the Gallery of C.R.A.B.E. in Jodoignejoint exhibition 't Audiovisueel Centrum in Wolvertem
permanent exhibition in restaurant 't Vensterke in Malderen
joint exhibition in the abbey in Affligem (from 6 to 21 september 2008)
joint exhibition in 't Moment in Meisejoint exhibition in 't Baljuwhuis (Maison du Bailli) in Galmaarden
Participation in Kunst in de étalage in Meise and Wolvertem
joint exhibition in "Vlaams Centrum voor Amateurkunst" in AnderlechtL.DOOR à Liedekerke
joint exhibition "Passion and Fire" in 't Moment in Meise and in the Oude Pastorie in Nieuwenroode
joint exhibition in the Cultural Center Gerard Walschap in Londerzeelwinner of the first INDIGO-price in Meise
participation in competition and exhibition of the MAURITS NAESSENS-priceparticipation in the exhibition Red, Yellow, Blue , organized by Kunstwerk[t] in Brussels
participation in the exhibition A tribute to Ward Ruyslinck in Meise
participation in the exhibition A tribute to Ward Ruyslinck in the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature in Ghent
joint exhibition in the Fortis Bank in Brussels2001
cultural exchange: exhibition in JAMK in Budapest